
Examining Reaction Networks used in Convection Models in Helium Shells of Sub-Chandrasehkar White Dwarfs

This project simulates the explosion of a dense white dwarf star. In the model, a helium layer surrounds the star. Initial ignition of the helium layer can cause the helium, then the star itself, to burn and explode as a type of supernova. Computer simulations of this phenomemon, by necessity, ignore elements or chemical reactions, in order to simplify the problem enough to be tractable. In this work, I explore the sensitivity of the explosion to such modifications by comparing complicated simulations with their simpler counterparts.

Simulation Code (opens new window)

Properties of Gamma-ray Pulsars from the Large Area Telescope

Modern telescopes, like the Fermi Large Area Telescope (LAT), have a sensitivity threshold below which individual point sources cannot be distinguished from background diffuse emission (opens new window). Instead, data about these point sources can be inferred from a model of the detectable point sources. In this project, I adjust a model for gamma-ray pulsars (opens new window). By comparing the model to LAT's recent catalog (opens new window), I identified details about pulsars' luminosity and density in space that best fit the data, then extrapolated to estimate the number of undetected pulsars below the sensitivity threshold.

AAS Presentation (opens new window)

Last Updated: 8/5/2021, 10:48:11 AM